
return to the burbs: faith and finances

I know that I told everyone to follow my blog while I was in Swaziland, that I would be making regular posts.  Sorry that did not happen!  Shortly after arriving I knew I wanted to soak in every single moment and happening.  I journaled my thoughts and feelings (LOTS of them!), and I'll be posting them in raw form soon.  I was just challenged to spend time with God during those days, and didn't want to spend my time arranging photos and templates.

But for today, I want to share one of the things God has been teaching me.  That faith and money are connected.  Like... really, really connected.

Focusing my studies on nonprofit management and philanthropy for two years of my life has been great. I have learned so much, have so much still to learn, and love to consider what makes people want to give.  As these studies morph into a job search, my desire to study money and giving from a Biblical perspective grew.  Searching for jobs in a faith-based field, I wanted to know what the Bible says about money.

It says so much!

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on Earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." -Matthew 6:19-21

The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn discusses this verse.  (I highly recommend this book - but only if you are ready to have your financial world rocked!)  He points out that God not only commands up to not store up treasure here, but to store up treasure in heaven. 

After experiencing Swaziland and seeing true poverty, I realize even more how much I have been given.  It is my choice what I do with these resources.

1.  I can store up treasure here, where each day means I am closer to losing all of it, or
2.  I can store up treasure in heaven.

So how do I store up treasure in heaven?  That's what I wanted to know next.  The Treasure Principle talked about first tithing (giving 10% of income back to the church), and then giving sacrificially.  Whew! God is asking for a true lifestyle change.  That means I would have to give something up?

Thankfully, God knew I needed some direction in how to start this process.  Pastor Steve at my church Connection Pointe challenged the congregation with a 90 Day Tithe Challenge.  (I believe the timing of things like this don't just happen.)  So of course, I knew I should take this challenge.

"Test me in this... and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." -Malachi 3:10

So I've been tithing and testing.  The 90 Day Challenge is maybe about halfway through, and the floodgates are already open.  Since I have started the challenge and tithing...

  • I have received financial support for my trip to Swaziland.  People that I didn't realize would ever be interested in supporting me wrote checks.  Family members, co-workers, and friends supported me, and made the life-changing journey happen.
  • I received a second raise.  In less than one year.  Without asking for it.  Bringing me to a 50% pay increase.  That sort of thing just doesn't happen.  
  • I have received two job offers.
  • On top of the clear financial blessing, I have received other blessings as well.  I traveled out of the country for the first time.  I experienced another culture, and had 10 days to love on kids in Swaziland.  The experience and sights have made me more grateful, and given me a deeper perspective on how much "stuff" doesn't matter.
  • New relationships!  Also because of the trip to Swaziland, I have 9 new friends.  We shared an adventure that has bound us together.  
That's what I can think of right now, and the challenge isn't even over!  I have tested God in this, and he has proven faithful.  I cannot imagine the ways in which He would bless to give beyond the tithe.  I say this not because I am an "expert giver" - far from it, but because I am so excited about this lesson that I am learning.

"The money we give to help others on this earth will open doors of fellowship with them in heaven." -Randy Alcorn, The Treasure Principle  

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