
swaziland: the beginning

People have told me during major moments in my life to keep a journal.  I have been sporadic with my writing, but when I have, I am always glad to have it later.  My journal writings and the photos I took in Swaziland are so special to me, and I want to share some of that through my blog.  This entry is just some of the beginning of my trip (with me adding in some more detail now):

When we first arrived at the church, I was fine, taking pictures and chatting with my mom.  Then as 11:30 was approaching we drove up to the bus where we were all meeting and I saw the parents saying goodbyes to their kids.  That was the heartbreaking time for me, and when reality set in that I too would have to say a goodbye to my mom, and that I wouldn’t be seeing the people I love for a week and a half because I would be in AFRICA. 

I’m not going to name names, but I’m pretty sure I heard a, “I’m not crying, I just have something in both eyes.” (*cough cough* Harvey!)  Harvey and Yasmin are are one of the most endearing couples I have ever met. Such a strong couple, unified in their perspectives, and just clearly enjoying their time together. It was fun seeing them appreciate sitting next to one another, praying together, and serving together.  

Yasmin, Harvey, and Kristen
Kristen is a brave woman, stepping out in faith to go on the trip and leaving her two little ones behind.  She is a genuine and caring soul.  

Logan, Lee, and Lisa
Logan, Lee, and Lisa are 3/4 of the Smith Family.  Lisa was the coordinator for the trip, organizing and planning all of the details that made our journey possible!  Lee has a pretty impressive amount of energy but also was a great spiritual leader for our group.  Logan is hilarious and also added some energy to the group. :)

Me, Shelby, Joey, and Laura
Shelby is the fourth part of the Smith Family.  She is a sweet girl, and learning so much about our world and faith as only a sophomore in high school!  Joey was my roommate for most of the trip; I loved getting to know her a little more deeply and see how much passion she has.  Laura is open about sharing her experiences in life and was positive and encouraging the whole trip.  I am so glad she was part of the group, as she gave me some good advice that I carry with me. :)

Brooke said a prayer over our group and drove us all in the bus to the airport.  

I am convinced that working for TSA must be one of the worst jobs. They have to assume the worst in everyone, checking for signs of terrorism for anyone just trying to travel!  I was “randomly chosen” – which seems to happen every time I fly anywhere.  They checked me for 15 different explosives.  I just remember being in the airport and everything feeling so surreal, but being excited to see Africa, the kids, and to experience a new culture. 


We are sitting in the Atlanta airport where we had a layover for a couple hours.  Right now I am mostly excited that the next time I step on land, it will be in a different country – South Africa!!!!!  I am also anticipating how the 15 hour and 25 minute flight will go.  Hoping I can sleep.


Holy cow – just woke up on the plane and we have 3 hours left in-flight.  And let me say that plane travel to Africa is not even a little bit like plane travel somewhere from US state to US state.  They trick you!  You start on the plane energized, realize there’s a TV on the back of the chair in front of you loaded with the most current movies and shows.   You talk to the people next to you for a little bit, watch a movie or two (in my case, one and a half – Identity Theft and half of Side Effects).  You have your pretzels and water or pasta meal, then you get sleepy.  Let me say it goes downhill from there.  A few of us that ate the pasta and got upset stomachs.  I tried to slouch down in my chair a bit, but my knees immediately hit the reclined seat in front of me #tallpeopleproblems.  I was in one of the middle seats, so I couldn’t really lean against anything.  (There were three rows of three.)  The whole time I was trying to adjust my travel pillow (thanks mom for making me bring it!), pillow and blanket from the plane (thanks Delta!), and shifted around trying to get situated.  All that with my two bags under the seat in front of me made for a pretty cramped ride. 

Thankfully, I got tired enough to eventually fall asleep, and as I said woke up with three hours to go.  Probably got a solid six hours! Woo! 


Monday night – I am just getting situated in bed for the evening at African Dreams.  It was an exciting to finally land in Johannesburg, South Africa.  I got my passport stamped and everything – my first time out of the country!  (Go big or go home, right?)

The Prince Family greeted us at the airport, and they were even nicer than I could have imagined.  They have three adorable kids – two girls who are 22 months apart but look like twins, and one boy.  They were all five so happy and eager to give each of us a hug.  Our driver Benele (Ben-ay-lay; he drove us the whole trip) made sure we all got to African Dreams safely.  I am rooming with Jordan tonight and after they showed us around the guest house a little bit (not called hotel), we got showers and met everyone in the conference room for dinner and chatting.  Everyone said a little bit about why they decided to go on the trip and about where we are in life, and the challenges God overcame to get each of us here. 

The dinner was amazing.  It was kind of like a beef, carrot, and potato stew over rice.  And they gave us dessert, which was like a brownie with some gooey stuff in the middle and banana pudding around the outside.  So good.  In part of our discussion we talked about the American Dream and how we can be go-go-go, rarely taking time to slow down and enjoy conversations and people.  It made me excited to experience a culture that works a little more slowly, where people take their time.

At this point in the trip I was feeling a little bit of anxiety about opening up to the group, but also excitement that I was in South Africa.  The next day we were to travel across the South African/Swazi border.  So much anticipation!


return to the burbs: faith and finances

I know that I told everyone to follow my blog while I was in Swaziland, that I would be making regular posts.  Sorry that did not happen!  Shortly after arriving I knew I wanted to soak in every single moment and happening.  I journaled my thoughts and feelings (LOTS of them!), and I'll be posting them in raw form soon.  I was just challenged to spend time with God during those days, and didn't want to spend my time arranging photos and templates.

But for today, I want to share one of the things God has been teaching me.  That faith and money are connected.  Like... really, really connected.

Focusing my studies on nonprofit management and philanthropy for two years of my life has been great. I have learned so much, have so much still to learn, and love to consider what makes people want to give.  As these studies morph into a job search, my desire to study money and giving from a Biblical perspective grew.  Searching for jobs in a faith-based field, I wanted to know what the Bible says about money.

It says so much!

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on Earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." -Matthew 6:19-21

The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn discusses this verse.  (I highly recommend this book - but only if you are ready to have your financial world rocked!)  He points out that God not only commands up to not store up treasure here, but to store up treasure in heaven. 

After experiencing Swaziland and seeing true poverty, I realize even more how much I have been given.  It is my choice what I do with these resources.

1.  I can store up treasure here, where each day means I am closer to losing all of it, or
2.  I can store up treasure in heaven.

So how do I store up treasure in heaven?  That's what I wanted to know next.  The Treasure Principle talked about first tithing (giving 10% of income back to the church), and then giving sacrificially.  Whew! God is asking for a true lifestyle change.  That means I would have to give something up?

Thankfully, God knew I needed some direction in how to start this process.  Pastor Steve at my church Connection Pointe challenged the congregation with a 90 Day Tithe Challenge.  (I believe the timing of things like this don't just happen.)  So of course, I knew I should take this challenge.

"Test me in this... and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." -Malachi 3:10

So I've been tithing and testing.  The 90 Day Challenge is maybe about halfway through, and the floodgates are already open.  Since I have started the challenge and tithing...

  • I have received financial support for my trip to Swaziland.  People that I didn't realize would ever be interested in supporting me wrote checks.  Family members, co-workers, and friends supported me, and made the life-changing journey happen.
  • I received a second raise.  In less than one year.  Without asking for it.  Bringing me to a 50% pay increase.  That sort of thing just doesn't happen.  
  • I have received two job offers.
  • On top of the clear financial blessing, I have received other blessings as well.  I traveled out of the country for the first time.  I experienced another culture, and had 10 days to love on kids in Swaziland.  The experience and sights have made me more grateful, and given me a deeper perspective on how much "stuff" doesn't matter.
  • New relationships!  Also because of the trip to Swaziland, I have 9 new friends.  We shared an adventure that has bound us together.  
That's what I can think of right now, and the challenge isn't even over!  I have tested God in this, and he has proven faithful.  I cannot imagine the ways in which He would bless to give beyond the tithe.  I say this not because I am an "expert giver" - far from it, but because I am so excited about this lesson that I am learning.

"The money we give to help others on this earth will open doors of fellowship with them in heaven." -Randy Alcorn, The Treasure Principle  


4 days til swaziland

In case you hadn't noticed from the excessive posts on Twitter... Facebook... Instagram... and blog, I cannot stop thinking about Swaziland.  My thoughts this week have been consumed with what it's going to look like, how the kids are going to act and react, what will be my favorite memory, wondering if everything will go as "planned," and every other curiosity you could imagine.  

Not to mention the nine other team members.  As we are each in different phases of life, this last week of preparing for our journey is unique for everyone.  (Although I am sure everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off.)  Personally, I am juggling work, three weeks of an 8 week online class to make up for being gone, job search and interviews, packing, and planning and preparing other materials for our trip.  I have had stressful moments, but thinking about the kids' faces or worshiping together in the midst of a different language and culture has kept me going.  These experiences will be with me forever.  

But I keep thinking about this team!  I am about to spend 10 days on my first international journey with 9 people I only know because of this trip.  How cool is that?

I did hear today that the little girl I was planning to see and had picked out special items for at the store, moved from Njojane.  Little Ncedile won't be at the Care Pointe when we go to visit.  This is disappointing, but I am sure that there will be other kids that will love those things!  

"For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead." James 2:26 


pray for swaziland

Sawubona! (That's "Hello!" is Siswati.) :)

Today was packing day for Swaziland.  We packed almost an entire suitcase full of soccer balls...hope they like to play soccer. ;)  Other bags were filled with packages from sponsors to go to their sponsored kids, supplies for crafts and lessons, and other things to leave behind at the Care Pointe for the kids.  This is what some of the bags for sponsor kids looked like:

I really feel so blessed to get to be one of the people that gets to see each kid's face, knowing that someone put that little bag together of things just for him/her. 

There are a TON of things that are going to be happening during the ten trip to Swaziland.  If you are interested in praying for the trip, here are some ideas of things you can pray for:

Before the trip.  
  • Peace.  There are a few young parents on the trip that are very nervous about leaving their little ones behind, and being unsure how much they will be able to communicate for ten days.  Also, that nerves are calmed.  It can be intimidating to leave the country and go into a new culture, but that we have peace in stepping out in faith.  
  • Please pray that all of the loose ends are tied up within the next 10 days.  Of course everyone has busy schedules, but we will also be finishing packing and making sure we have all the supplies we need.  
  • That our hearts are prepared and open to what we may see and what God has prepared and planned for the week.  We have some things planned but of course that may or may not be what God has in store.  Please pray that we are ready for anything and open to His plan. 
  • Team cohesion, patience, and kindness.

Day 1, June 9.
  • For the first of two traveling days - that our travel is easy and safe. 
  • Peace and patience for the team, and that anxious thoughts are gone.
  • Pray for the week and the relationships that will be formed throughout the time in Swaziland, and especially in our partner community, Njojane.

Day 2, June 10.
  • We arrive in Johannesburg, South Africa this evening to meet our missionary hosts.  Please pray for our hosts,  the Prince family, as they prepare for our arrival.  We are thankful for them, but this will be a long week for their family as they care for us and help with questions throughout our time. 

Day 3, June 11.
  • Please pray that as we travel from Johannesburg to Mbabane, Swaziland that we will all be safe.
  • We will be visiting one of the other Care Pointe centers.  Pray that this is a positive experience, that God blesses our interactions with the children.  
  • That we will be able to communicate with them despite cultural and language differences.

Day 4, June 12.
  • This is a big day on the trip!  This is the first day we will spend at the Njojane Care Pointe (the partner community with Connection Pointe Christian Church).  
  • I will get to meet little Ncedile, the girl that my parents sponsor through One Child Matters.  Please pray that she will be open and excited, and that this will be a memorable experience for her.  I pray that she feels loved and relates that to the love of Christ.
  • This morning we will be doing a VBS with the preschool children, with the "God made me" and "God loves me" lessons.  Pray that the kids understand us, and that God uses that time how He has planned.  We understand that He might have something different planned than our lessons.
  • The afternoon will be spend with the older kids, playing, interacting, and getting to know them.
  • The evening will hold a church service at the Care Pointe.  Pray for the team that we fully experience worshiping in a different culture, and remember the moment.
  • The Smiths on our trip will be celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary in Njojane!

Day 5, June 13.
  • We will be in Njojane again today, but this time doing home visits in the community.  I am not totally sure what we are going to do, or if it is go-with-the-flow, but please pray for that time and interaction!
  • Please pray that we are encouraging and loving with the Care Pointe staff and volunteers.  
  • Pray over the relationship between the Njojane Care Pointe and Brownsburg, IN - that this community of people will last through eternity.

Day 6, June 14.
  • Today the team will be experiencing Children's Cup Global Leadership Academy (GLA).  Pray over our conversations, worship, and time together.  
  • We will also be visiting the I Am Not Forgotten orphanage today, where we will be playing games, doing Bible activities, and talking with them.  Please pray that we are a light into their lives.

Day 7, June 15.
  • Pray for the people back home.  I am looking forward to the adventure and stepping out in faith as an individual.  For others on the trip, there are little kids at home that will be missing their parents, and parents that will be missing their kids.  Please ask for comfort during this time and that they will be able to communicate through texting, emails,  or pictures.
  • I ask that you pray people are moved while I am gone to help cover the costs of the trip, as funds can come in until the day I get back.  I wholeheartedly support this cause and am prepared to pay what I need to, but I believe that this is an opportunity for people to participate in what God does in Swaziland.  I pray for people to give with glad hearts. (http://cpccweb.org/globalgiving

Day 8, June 16.
  • This day we will attend a bilingual church service (cool, huh?).  
  • We will spend the afternoon with the pastor who leads the services at the Njojane Care Pointe.  Pray that the Holy Spirit guides us and our conversations today.

Day 9, June 17.
  • Today is the cultural day.  We will be in eastern Swaziland, and it's my understanding we will be trying different types of game and learning more about their land and customs.  Pretty excited about this!
  • We will also be visiting another Care Pointe in an area called Section 19. 

Day 10, June 18.
  • The last full day in Swaziland! Pray that we leave every bit of energy and love that we can with the kids at the Care Pointe.  
  • Pray that the team works and communicates well together, that the interactions are positive and uplifting as our trip comes to a close. 
  • Pray that we are encouraging to our hosts and any that we contact in our last day.

Day 11, June 19.
  • Today we will be traveling home.  Pray for rest and patience before we see our friends and family tomorrow!

We are due to arrive home on June 20 at 12:02pm.  

I am hoping to update my blog to keep in touch as much as possible, and the church also has a blog: www.cpccglobal.org.  Or email me!  I appreciate all of your prayers and any encouragement you can provide.  You are all great!

Emily :)